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Das Icon für cs BOX, der App für das Depotmanagement für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen. cs BOX

Our app for yardmanagement

The cs BOX app for smartphones and tablets is the mobile connection to the cs DEPOT module.

The app covers the areas of checkers, repairs and reach stackers or forklift drivers in one application. The app is easy to use and data communication takes place in real time. In this way, you increase the efficiency of all operational processes in the outdoor area of your container depot and create transparency for all parties involved.

Ansicht der App für das Depotmanagement

Main advantages

App acceptance

All work steps are digitally mapped and combined in one application. The clear menu navigation and easy-to-understand work steps lead to rapid acceptance by employees.

Make complex simple

Every client or shipowner has their own requirements. The workflows in the app guide employees exactly what needs to be done and what data needs to be entered. This simplifies the work and avoids errors.

Efficient processing

Paperless processing increases efficiency in all areas of the container depot. Real-time data communication not only increases the speed of processing, but also enables the automation of a wide range of processes.

Technical information

This app is available for Android devices.



A current Android smartphone or tablet PC with Android version 5.1 or higher (UMTS-capable, with Bluetooth or Wireless Direct interface. Recommendable: an integrated GPS receiver and a camera with a resolution of at least 3 megapixels.

Server settings

An application server is required to operate the cs DRIVE App. For this you should have a fixed external IP address, alternatively an existing DynDNS entry can be used.


cs DRIVE is directly linked to the main program parts, such as the administration and order management system cs JOB, the route planning module cs MAP and the disposition cs PLAN.

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Monday to Friday
8.00 - 17.00 h.