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Freight Forwarding Software & Logistics Software: Welcome to your strategic and solution-oriented partner

Specialised in transport management and part of the proLogistik Group since 2023. Benefit from our digital solutions for the logistics industry and let us accompany you on your successful journey into the digital future. With a strong partner behind us, we offer solutions along the entire supply chain.
We promise you will be impressed.

Member of proLogistik Group
Speditionssoftware von cargo support für verschiedene Branchen
Softwaremodule der Logistiksoftware cs CONNECT für Transüportunternehmen
Die Buchstaben let`s go sind abgebildet

Freight forwarding and logistics software that automatically moves you forward: Perfect for your industry

cargo support is a member of the proLogistik Group

The proLogistik Group develops hardware and software solutions for the supply chain in the areas of warehouse management systems, transport management systems, intralogistics and hardware.


cs CONNECT is the digital logistics solution for handling your intermodal transport

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The size of your transport business is not what matters. What matters are your needs. Choose from an affordable entry-level version, feature-rich standard software or the option to customise the software permanently.

Find out more

How we work

Our customers use us as an outsourced IT department, as experts in IT for logistics.

We tackle challenges together and provide interim updates to ensure our customers can meet the demands of customers and shippers in a timely manner. After all, this is often the difference between getting the job and not getting the job.

How we work

As experts in IT for logistics, we are being used like an outsourced IT department by our customers.

We tackle challenges together and ensure, among other things, with interim updates that our customers can always meet the changing requirements of shippers.

Because that often determines whether they get an order or not.

Freight forwarding software

Shipping software cs CONNECT: Efficient, flexible, future-proof - adapted to your individual needs

Our freight forwarding software cs CONNECT covers all processes in the transport and logistics sector: from the preparation of offers to scheduling and invoicing. It grows with the tasks. Simple, efficient and tailored to your needs - through expansion with special modules and industry solutions.

Logo der Logistiksoftware & Speditionssoftware cs CONNECT Go directly to the software suite

Basic modules: manage, schedule, communicate ...

Das Icon für cs JOB, dem Modul für Auftrags- und Transportmanagement für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen

cs JOB

Transport Management

The central administration and order management system from quotation to invoicing

Popular functions

  •     Digital order management
  •     Document management
  •     Multi-client capability
  •     Accounting
  •     Evaluations
  •     Personnel management
Das Icon für cs PLAN, dem Modul für das Disponieren für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.



The dispatching solution for automated planning of your transports.

Popular functions

  •     LiveDispo
  •     Disposition in gaps
  •     Consideration of cut-off times
  •     ETA tracking
  •     Autodispo
Das Icon für cs COM, dem Modul für abteilungsübergreifende Kommunikation für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.

cs COM


The interdepartmental communication hub for news and conflict alerts.

Popular functions

  •     Communication in chat groups
  •     Chat function with the driver
  •     Needs-based messages
  •     Interdepartmental communication

Add-on modules: navigate, connect, reprocess ...

Das Icon für cs MAP, dem Modul für intelligente Routenplanung für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.

cs MAP

Route planning

Intelligent integration of Map & Guide (PTV Group), the leading software in the field of transport and traffic planning.


Das Icon für cs DEPOt, de Software für Voll- und Leercontainerdepots für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.


Container depot

Software for full and empty container depots and temporary storage.


Das Icon für cs BI, dem Modul für Business Intelligence für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.

cs BI

Business Intelligence

The Business Intelligence Tool from cargo support. Important data neatly prepared.

Das Icon für cs WEB, dem Webportal für Tracking & Tracing für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen

cs WEB

Real Time Visibility Platform

Web portal for tracking & tracing, order and document overview, and supply list.


Das Icon für cs SCAN, dem Modul für Warenausgangsscannung für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen


Outgoing goods scanning

Barcode scanning during loading for package traceability.


Das Icon für cs DRIVE, der Fahrer-App für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.


Driver app

The mobile connection to your fleet. With Workflow Designer and e-CMR.


Das Icon für cs BOX, der App für das Depotmanagement für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.

cs BOX

The app for the depot

Storage, retrieval and transfer of containers as well as paperless handling at the gate.


Das Icon für cs STAMP, dem Modul für das digitale Stempeln der elektronischen Frachtbriefe für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.


Digital stamp

The digital stamp serves as a security for the appearance of a driver at the loading or unloading point.


Das Icon für cs HUB, dem Modul für das Datenmanagement für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen.

cs HUB

Data Management

The convenient software tool for data integration and digital transparency.



Perfect for your industry: freight forwarding and logistics software that automatically moves you forward

Save time, always keep an overview and design your processes safely, efficiently and economically - through higher automation in your value chain. It's simple: with industry-specific software solutions from cargo support.


Branchenbild Containerlogistik

We are at home in the container industry and have acquired expert knowledge through years of working with customers large and small. The functions range from train planning and trucking to a trip model with automated mode split to chassis tracking and automated order import.

Partial and complete loads

Branchenbild Teil- und Komplettpartien. Ein LKW auf einer Strasse.

No matter how many transport steps there are or how many modes of transport are used, with our software you have an overview of all transport processes from pickup to transshipment points to direct delivery. Even complex cross-docking concepts can be mapped.

New furniture logistics

Branchenbild Neumöbellogistik

Software for smooth transport including Real Time data on the processing status of the goods for your customers. It includes outgoing goods scanning at the warehouse, delivery scanning at the unloading point, individual workflows in the driver app, real-time scheduling, track & trace and much more...

Heavy load and crane logistics

Branchenbild Schwerlast- und Kranlogistik

Our software creates consistency from quotation to invoicing. With our costing and planning tool, you already create the basis for implementation and controlling during costing. On the basis of imported collile lists, you can plan the entire project with costing-based service items.


"We love logistics. In a way, we're all freaks. Logistics freaks, I would say." (Volker Hasch, Managing Director at cargo support)

More than 250 satisfied customer companies
7 Trainees
2.280 satisfied users
3 Offices
2003 established
100 % Motivation
10.792.742 Waypoints with the driver app
50 Employees


Extensive service: Experience all the benefits that make your software use even easier, safer and more efficient

Use all the potentials of our freight forwarding software and get the most out of your company.

Quick-Check Digitization
Digital Coach
Logistics Software Workshop
Quick-Check Digitization

Recognize potentials - in only 2 hours

Our quick-check shows them which software functions and digitization measures make the most sense for your individual requirements - to optimize your processes and save costs.

Your benefits:

  •     Individual consulting
  •     Completely risk-free
  •     Best practice

We will be happy to advise you on all aspects of digitization.
In our Quick-Check, we provide you with free, no-obligation advice.

Learn more


Personen vor einem Bildschirm bei der Analyse
Digital Coach
Personen vor einem Bildschirm mit Speditionssoftware

Maximize the success of your logistics software

Get our passion and expertise in-house - together we will optimize the use of the software by your employees.

You would like to ...

  •     clarify questions
  •     Anchor knowledge
  •     Create acceptance

With our freight forwarding software, you have taken the first step toward digitization. Now it's time to support your employees in using the software optimally and deriving the greatest possible benefit from it.

Learn more


Logistics Software Workshop
Personen bei einem Speditions- und Logistiksoftware- Workshop für Speditionen und Transportunternehmen

Optimize the use of freight forwarding software with a potential workshop

The competitive environment and low margins require a rethink within the transport industry. Companies should therefore ask themselves how they can make their operations fit for the digital future so as not to lose touch.

Key points here are:

  •     Automate processes
  •     Make costs more transparent
  •     Improve customer service
  •     Process information in real time

Learn more


Mitarbeiter im Support für Logistik- und Speditionssoftware

How may we help you?

The support at cargo support:

  •     cs SERVICE: our ticket system for questions, requests and bugs
  •     Support hotline: the telephone support is mainly done by callbacks
  •     Remote maintenance: Quick help by remote maintenance

Learn more




Successful customers: What drives us the most and proves our competence

No matter how big your transport, logistics or industrial company is, or how complex your requirements and needs are, what counts for us is the satisfaction and success of our customers.

The realtime customer connections in conjunction with cargo support's own driver app enable us to offer our customers innovative and most efficient logistics solutions.
Dr. Martin Ahnefeld Managing Director, Ahnefeld Möbel-Logistik GmbH
cargo support helps us automate business processes and is an important building block for the further development of our company.
Ralph Frankenstein Managing Director, CTD Container-Transport-Dienst GmbH
I like the idea of our industry working with a common standard and mutually benefiting from program enhancements.
Ferdinand Kloiber Managing Director,, Kloiber GmbH
Internal accounting allocation now runs fully automatically and saves around an hour of time in the accounting department every day.
Thomas Buchner Head of Logistics and IT, TCT-Speditions GmbH
With the use of cargo support, we can process more orders than before with the same number of staff in order management.
Markus Schmid Managing Director, Schmid Transport und Spedition GmbH & Co. KG
With its high level of automation and development expertise, cargo support is the ideal partner for us on the path to efficiently linking our services for customers and partners.
Julien Jourdan Managing Director, reLOGG GmbH & Co. Kg
cargo support is not a supplier for us, but a strategic partner.
Ole Heemeyer Commercial Manager, EKB CONTAINER LOGISTIK
cargo support's cs CONNECT solution was very mature and offered us the greatest development potential.
Ronny Kehrhahn Managing Director, IGS Intermodal Container Logistics GmbH
I can hide all the data fields I don't need, fix this view and make it available to my employees - this saves us a lot of administrative work and speeds up order entry considerably.
Marius Kahmen Managing Director, Kahmen TransCargo GmbH

Haben Sie erste Fragen?

Lesen Sie hier die wichtigsten Themen im Überblick.

Die Kosten für unsere Logistiksoftware werden individuell berechnet und sind von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel die Anzahl der Anwender, die Anzahl der disponierten Fahrzeuge und der gewünschte Funktionsumfang bzw. die Module, die zum Einsatz kommen sollen. Anschaffungskosten sind immer relativ. Viel wichtiger ist die Amortisationszeit. Die Erfahrung aus den bisherigen Projekten hat gezeigt: Eine richtig eingeführte Logistiksoftware amortisiert sich sehr schnell. 

Unsere Mietsoftware MAXFLEX basiert auf cargo support [dispo] und ist die optimale Lösung für Unternehmen bis zu 30 LKW. Sie hilft, den Überblick über das tägliche Geschäft zu behalten, Fehler zu minimieren und Kosten zu sparen. Sie mieten nur das, was Sie wirklich brauchen. MAXFLEX kommt ohne Vertragsbindung und ist flexibel an Ihre Branche und Bedürfnisse anpassbar. Das spart Investitionskosten. Mit MAXFLEX halten Sie nicht nur Schritt mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung, sondern werden im Tagesgeschäft spürbar entlastet. 

Für Unternehmen mit bis zu 30 LKW gibt es unsere kostengünstige Mietsoftware MAXFLEX. Die Kosten beziehen sich auf die Anzahl der LKW sowie flexibel hinzubuchbare Module. Die Anzahl der LKW kann dabei monatlich Ihrem Geschäftsverlauf angepasst werden. Somit behalten Sie immer volle Flexibilität und Freiheit in Ihren Vertriebsaktivitäten. Das Programm wird auf Ihrem Server und Ihren Computern installiert. So haben Sie auch dann vollen Zugriff auf das Programm und die Daten, wenn Sie die Miete einmal unterbrechen oder einstellen müssen.

Unsere Software-Lösung unterstützt den gesamten Prozess von der Angebotserstellung über die Disposition bis hin zur Abrechnung. Sie hilft, Ihren Fuhrpark zu verwalten und Aufträge an einzelne LKW und Fahrer zu vergeben. Das Programm ist flexibel an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassbar. Sie können Fahrpläne und das Entfernungswerk Ihrer Wahl integrieren. Mit dem Modul Routenplanung können Sie Transporte planen und behalten den Überblick über die Standorte Ihrer LKW. Mit der Fahrer-App bleiben Sie per Statusmeldungen über einzelne Fahrten auf dem Laufenden.

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Kontaktieren Sie uns – wir helfen Ihnen gerne.

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Call us at
+49 911 / 89 18 80 0
(Head office Nuremberg) Business hours:
Monday to Friday
8.00 - 17.00 h.